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The key to a great souffle: timing. You'll also want to make sure your cups are clean and dry, and buttered thoroughly all the way around. That way you'll get a souffle that rises well and doesn't stick. Place your vessels in the fridge after they're prepped. Once your batter is prepped, work quickly - it's a temperamental batter, and you'll lose air if you delay. True to its nature, you'll want to serve this one immediately. This is a dish that demands your undivided attention.
Chicago native Dale has been a chef for six years, with plans underway to open his own restaurant. Whether he's cooking four-star meals, diving, or doing gymnastics, Dale's competitive edge is undeniable. He has created something he calls "flavor math," where the right number of spices can bring the perfect flavor and taste. He uses French American cultural influences in his cooking, and is serious about putting his skills to the ultimate test. He loves the fact that the other contestants could be "out-cooked by a queer." Dale will say what everyone else is thinking.